Sweet Dish Society

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Mama’s Homemade PLAY DOH


2 Cups All Purpose Flour

2 Cup + 2 tablespoons Warm Water

1/2 Cup table Salt

4 Tablespoons Olive oil

3 Tablespoons Cream of Tarter

1 oz Gelatin (4 packages) Gelatin (Knox Original Gelatine unflavored)

4-10 drops of Natural food coloring (regular food coloring works too)


  1. In a large non stick pan, sift or whisk together dry ingredients

  2. Add olive oil

  3. In a separate cup, measure the warm water and add the food coloring and mix together well

  4. Add the water and coloring mixture to the pan and mix well

  5. Turn on the heat to low and using a flat wooden spatula, continuously mix on low heat until it forms a large ball of dough. Be careful that you don’t let anything stay at the bottom of the pan or it will burn and get crusted.

  6. After it forms a ball and it is smooth, turn off the heat and smoosh it with your fingers in a flat pancake, covering the bottom of the pan, flip it once and then remove it from the heat onto a tray or plate to let cool completely


  8. Note: my kids love using playing in the play doh with little dinosaurs or animals with it, plastic forks, rolling pins, wooden kid knives, hockey action figures. Make it your own fun! Great to use as a gift for birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Valentines day, etc.!