The Perfect Matcha Latte
Matcha Lattes are near and dear to my heart.
Not too far down on the list of things that wake me up in the morning is my warm and creamy cup of matcha!
I have truly tried every matcha out there. I’ve tried matcha lattes in Europe, in Florida, California, and just about every coffee shop in my home state, Minnesota.
Although I love Matcha, I do think you need to put this latte in its own category. It wakes you up but doesn’t make you tremble the way coffee does. Its a bit heavier so it feels like a more substantial start to the day, but with out weighing you down!
There isn’t anything about this matcha in particular that I do that you cannot do at home, but what is causing me to share this is just the endless questions I get from my friends and family each time I serve it!
If you are an avid matcha drinker, or you are just starting out, this is the perfect warm Latte drink for you.
Take special note of the milk (brand matters here!) and also the Particular Matcha powder I use because that is the key to success here.
As I have sampled hundreds of brands, this one is the one that I landed on and have used for years! *when purchasing, note whether or not it is the latte version or plain version, you want the latte version of the powder!
Lets get started! See below for your perfect Matcha Details!
2.5 Teaspoons Sweetened Matcha Tea Latte Powder (Jade Leaf)
1 Cup Oat Milk (Calafia brand)
Froth your milk in a nespresso frother or warm it up on the stove until desired temp (Note: Do not Boil or the oat milk will have a cake like texture)
Add Sweetened matcha powder to empty cup and then add milk
Use AeroLatte Bamboo hand frother to mix matcha powder with milk